Indie Music Awards Redux

In early 2012, Al was nominated for two Indie Music Channel Awards: Best Male Country Artist and Best Recording for the song “Hot Pink Lady.”
Later that summer, he released a self-titled album, which was comprised entirely of songs he had written. That led to several Indie Music Channel Awards nominations, which were announced early that year.
He was up for Best Male Country Artist with his songs “It’s Saturday Night” and “I Still Love You.” He was nominated for Best Country Recording with songs “It’s Saturday Night,” “I Still Love You,” and “China White.”
He was also up for Best Country Song with his songs “It’s Saturday Night” and “We’ve Come So Far,” Best Country Producer for “It’s Saturday Night,” and Best Easy Listening Song for “Take a Chance on Me.”
Al and his older brother Wayne attended the awards ceremony in Los Angeles, Calif., on April 29.
“I won the award Best Country Recording for ‘China White,’ and Best Country Producer for ‘It’s Saturday Night,’” said Mr. Brake.
“I would like to mention credit to my producer Bob Bullock for the Best Country Producer award, as well. He has been a huge part of my success.”